I run about 50 miles each week. These miles span everything from squeezing in miles over lunch, meeting my friends at 6am to run in the Marin Headlands and interval training that helps me adjust to running faster without feeling like I’m dying. I’m typically home by 8:30am for a quick shower and food inhalation before/during my first meeting.

Staying healthy and sane during this training cycle also requires making time for supporting activities — strength with pilates, cross-training with bike rides and beers with friends. (I tried to date a tiny bit in the early weeks, but that quickly got cut.)Weirdly enough, despite being constantly tired, hungry and short on time, this is the best I’ve ever felt at my job.

  • Developing into a stronger runner has given me confidence and mental strength that I’ve never felt before.
  • My overall drive is increasing, channeling directly into taking on huge Q2 projects with my amazing engineering team.
  • Being limited on time and energy requires me to ruthlessly prioritize work during work hours and staying healthy after-hours.
  • Running as a physical energy outlet results in an internal calmness to handle any situation with a cool head (a godsend for my natural hot-headed self).
  • I start every day flooded with endorphins to encourage my team to build our best work.

Let’s hope I can keep it together for the next 7 weeks (I am hoping to qualify for Boston, literally never thought I’d say that out loud!), so my coworkers can have a break from me behaving like a frenetic hamster.

not a bad way to start a Tuesday

not a bad way to start a Tuesday